So you want to have leviathan bone and leather, but you also want to go with John Harper’s vision of immortal and…

So you want to have leviathan bone and leather, but you also want to go with John Harper’s vision of immortal and…

So you want to have leviathan bone and leather, but you also want to go with John Harper’s vision of immortal and unkillable leviathans. How can you have both? 

You can use my limmers. That will get you there.

5 thoughts on “So you want to have leviathan bone and leather, but you also want to go with John Harper’s vision of immortal and…”

  1. Thanks!

    One thing I like about this is that it can flavor wreckers, it can serve as a foundational element for some whispers, and it draws a ragged line between pre- and post-industrialization (which is good for Gothic flavor.)

  2. So this is awesome Andrew! And as I love to be inspired by real-world analogues, I have been enamoured by the idea of ‘beaching’ leviathans to harvest them. The lure idea is wonderful, but what of a symbiotic ‘herding’ concept, whereby the humans promise themselves to scurrilous  leviathans in order to garner their help in herding larger more lucrative Leviathans to shore….

    As practiced by the killer whales of Eden, in payment for their tongues. This story also promotes the idea of an indigenous population to Duskwall, who maybe had a more spiritual relationship with certain leviathans prior to the upheaval.

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