Who wants to play Blades in the Dark with me? If you are reading this, you probably already have a sense of some of my engagement with the system, since I’ve been talking about it a LOT in this community. Do you want to try a G+ Hangout game on Saturday?
Saturday, April 25, from 2-5 CST. If you aren’t one of the first four to sign up, make a note here and I’ll keep you in mind for an alternate.
I’m always up for a game!
Nathan Roberts Cool! Go ahead and sign up. I’m experimenting with using Doodle for sign-ups because it compensates for time zones, so we don’t get confused and show up an hour early or an hour late. =)
I like the idea of Doodle for scheduling! I’m a maybe, as I may have another game on that day. If it falls through, I’d love to be in on this.
Dan Hall Great! If you can make it and there is a slot open you are welcome!
Saturday is one of the few days I don’t already play an rpg.. 😀 is there space at the table?
Chris Boyd Yes, there is one person signed up so far. Go ahead and reserve your spot!
I’m gonna do it! I mean nothing could happen that would screw up my Saturday right?
Ben Jarvis So far you’ve just escalated from Controlled to Risky. Keep it up, see what happens.
so about time zones, you were saying that doodle compensates for that, but I’m not in central, and don’t see a change, so I’m guessing that CST is the same as EDT because, daylight time. Does central not do daylight savings or that a mistake? perhaps I am not using the site correctly as well.
I get confused about this as well, and paranoid, so that’s why I am trying Doodle out. It is 7:53 here right now.
Arrrgh. That’ll be @ 1700 Sunday for me and I’m at work 🙁
Next Time!
Andrew Shields
you posted that at 8:53 PM my time, so I presume you scheduled for 2-5 PM your time? doodle isn’t compensating for that for me, so I’m guessing the game is at 3-6 my time. That’s a fine time for me, but good to be clear on that.
I’m in. While there is some chance I might not make it, I presume that one of the alternates will cheerfully take my spot. I’m in PST, so presumably it’s like 12pm or so for me.
I think it is likely that you have to tell Doodle what your time zone is before it interprets, but I’ve only made one account for me, so I’m not sure.
Anyway, I’ve got three people signed up, still have room for one more.
Hey, Andrew – did I just get bumped out? I signed in for the fourth spot, but now it’s gotten me painted in red, which makes it sound like I’m not the fourth anymore. I don’t know Doodle well, I’ll admit.
I did tell it my timezone, I think you set the timezone for the event as CST instead of CDT
Seventh in line or something. We’ll see how it goes.
Hm. I have not used Doodle before, I was hoping this would be painless. Okay, this is my time zone!
I plan to run the game from 2-5. Sorry this isn’t smoother.
If I have open slots a couple hours before the game, I’ll post on this thread to let people know. If you’ve left a message here, you’ll get a notification, and we’ll go dibs for it at that point (when people are likely to know whether they are available or not.)
Thanks for your patience!
Damn it; too busy doing chores, running errands, and exercising to see this 😐 Maybe next time! 😀
Definitely interested if a spot opens!
I want to make an “open table” version of Blades in the Dark so people can come and go, and there can be some continuity without obligation. So we’ll be playing a gang instead of a crew. I think it will work well.
Andrew Shields
I don’t see the purpose of this gang/crew distinction. I think the existing crew setup lends itself quite well to a fluid group, as it is already implied that there is a larger group of people involved in the crew’s operation, there can simply be different members of the crew working on the scores of a particular week.
Chris Boyd I can see some flexibility in having some variation in what players can make it to sessions, of course. I guess when I think open table, I’m thinking a bigger scope. If the crew was level 2 or 3, then sure, that’s a lot of core members. Less so for starting crews.
Also, using gangs means the group that gathers gets to make some decisions about the overarching structure that unites them. Otherwise, with a crew, the first group to play makes the big decisions, and others can only modify those decisions as they play later. It may be that the “founding members” don’t show up to the game again. The gang structure means whoever shows up to play has immediate input into the benefit they get from the bigger structure, they don’t inherit one or make a brand new gang.
At any rate, no one has to use this and it isn’t official. I think it will help me organize how I want to manage an open table so I can invite a variety of different people to play, and have a neat durable flexible structure from session to session.
An added benefit is fewer decisions before play. Gangs involve a fraction of the decisions of making a full-fleged crew. Get in, get a sense of ownership of the session, and get cracking. =)
Andrew Shields
Ah, so the idea is to do “gang creation” every session (or at least every session with different people?)
Chris Boyd Right. So the gang, those who show up for the session, can pick how they want to go about circumventing obstacles (style) and what sort of missions they want to undertake (underboss.) Also what resources they want to have available.
One session your character could be in an adept gang, the next session your character could be in a killer gang.
Things came up. Count me out on Saturday. Sorry.
Looks like I have had someone drop.
I’m new to G+ roleplaying and it’ll be 5AM where I am but I’d still like to join in
Andrew Shields I saw your comment on my phone, and tried to check the doodle list. I think I double signed up, and may have cut in front of earlier registrants. … I am available, but don’t mean to push others out of my way!
I think using Doodle has ended up more complexity than it is worth, and in future I’ll handle it in a G+ thread. It is true other people have information in the queue, but the site does not automatically change them from not available to available, so I don’t think there is line jumping in this case.
I’ll confirm with my players tomorrow, and we’ll play. I expect to offer the opportunity again, so hopefully there will be other chances for people to play.
Okay, today we are on for Blades in the Dark with Josh Mauldin, Ben Jarvis, Chris Boyd, and Andrew Fish. The game will be at 2:00 in my time zone, which is here:
You can make your characters ahead of time, or see what others have and make one on the spot. See you this afternoon!
Looking forward to it! See you all in a few hours.
I need Josh Mauldin to circle me or something so I can get him into the hangout. I’m not sure which G+ Josh Mauldin he is!
Tell you what, come to me. =)
Had a great time, thanks much for breaking me in to Blades in the Dark!
Andrew Fish Thanks! I appreciate you guys trying it out!
Here is the play report.
Invitation for the next gang session: