Just in the middle of watching the first episode of the new blades series and I have to say I love all of the…

Just in the middle of watching the first episode of the new blades series and I have to say I love all of the…

Just in the middle of watching the first episode of the new blades series and I have to say I love all of the characters, especially Carriless, bravo on that roleplaying!

One question I have is I heard you were playing on Roll20, and when Aldo made his fortune roll a very nice picture appeared along with his roll and I was wondering how I could get this?

In my own Roll20 game, rolling from the character sheets just outputs to the chat window the highest result and it isn’t as aesthetic as what is seen in your Roleplay, could you direct me on how to get this effect?

Again, well done on episode 1, loving where this is going already!

5 thoughts on “Just in the middle of watching the first episode of the new blades series and I have to say I love all of the…”

  1. It’s an alternate version of the sheet on roll20… should eventually be integrated with the official version… search for Tim Denee’s posts about it. You need a pro roll20 account to use it for now.

  2. Cam Mitchell Yes, sorry – there’s a bit more bug-testing to do and then I might see about submitting the current version to Roll20 git repo, make it official. No point waiting forever.

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