Just sharing my Roll20 desktops (inspired by others posted here).

Just sharing my Roll20 desktops (inspired by others posted here).

Just sharing my Roll20 desktops (inspired by others posted here). My group is new to the game, and online play, and there was some complaint about getting lost in all the open windows, so I made a desktop for scores and another for downtime.

24 thoughts on “Just sharing my Roll20 desktops (inspired by others posted here).”

  1. Long Explanation: I did it in PS. My process is probably not ideal, as my PS skills are kinda basic. My files are 30×25 inches at 140 pixels per. Even sliced up, the .pngs were too large to upload though, so I exported them at 50%.

    The text is literally just .png screen shots (on a mac) from the handouts/book that I drag into photoshop, position over a paper asset, and set the lair to “darken” to hide the white background.

    I do a reverse selection on the paper layer and delete the excess from the text layer so no stray pixels are visible.

    The image is saved in 4 slices, with most of the map in one, and the bottom left corner in another. Those two are the same on both pages, so I only need to maintain one copy of those slices that I use on both pages in Roll20.

    The text loses some crispness, but it’s plenty legible for quick reference. I do have to zoom in to read it.. but I think players will generally either be looking at the map up top or the text at the bottom, so that’s fine for my use.

  2. This is really great Travis Heldibridle​​. I support John Williams​​ in asking if you would you provide us a blank version so we can use it in our own games? Would you also provide the psp so So I could directly translate in French for my crew?

  3. The map and most of the text is from the free content. A few of the text blocks were snapped from the game book itself though. It may seem trivial but, because I used screenshots from the book for a couple of items…

    I’d probably have to get some sort of nod from John Harper to be comfortable releasing useable files. I’m super-sensitive to the perception of piracy, and respecting other artists’ work.

  4. A whole bunch of life happened all at once and I, somehow, misplaced the PSD for this.

    I haven’t gotten around to recreating it, mostly because my players were still referring to the handouts for most of this information anyway.

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