I’m running my second session tomorrow and I’ve got some questions and clarifications before going into it.

I’m running my second session tomorrow and I’ve got some questions and clarifications before going into it.

I’m running my second session tomorrow and I’ve got some questions and clarifications before going into it. Thought I’d bundle them here:

The first couple have to do with items:

-The rules state that the Tinker’s alchemicals recharge every downtime, but what about the consumable items that other characters have. Does the Cutter’s vial of Rage Essence get restored in downtime, for instance? My gut says yes, as long as they have reasonable access to a workshop or supplier (like the Tinker), but I thought I’d ask anyway.

-On p. 226, there’s a list of “Sample Creations” , which are explicitly called out as being well-known and thus not requiring a Invention long-term project before crafting them. On the next page, 227, there are “Sample Special Formulas” and “Sample Gadgets & Special Plans”. Are these also meant to be well-known, or should they require Invention before crafting them?

My other question has to do with Faction Status. P. 45 says that operations against another faction should result in -1 or -2 status with them. But say you’re already at -2 status with a faction – according to the description, they expect you to attack them, as long as it doesn’t cause you serious problems. So should acting as expected cause further negative status?

Thanks for any responses!

4 thoughts on “I’m running my second session tomorrow and I’ve got some questions and clarifications before going into it.”

  1. I think whether or not special “one use” items refill automatically or if they require an action is a good convo for the group to have. In my games, I like to make some of that stuff really rare, so I have the players perform an acquire asset downtime action to “re-stock”, but that’s more personal preference than it is a hard rule. I’d talk to your group and see what feels right.

    Yep, the sample creations on 227 are not commonly known. They are just showing some examples of something that could be invented.

    How much your change faction status is really a judgement call. If a score was expected and the other side isn’t ready to go to war, maybe it stays at -2, or you start a clock for it to move to -3. If this was the score that finally convinced the other faction that your PCs were insufferable, it’s war!

  2. Thanks Sean Nittner. That’s about where my thoughts were too. My PCs picked a Workshop as their starting upgrade, so that should probably tell me that they want consumable items to refill, but I’ll probably mention it if it comes up.

  3. Sean seems to have covered what I would say, except re: non-Leech consumable items. Yes it gets consumed when used, but I refill them during downtime as a matter of principle. They’re a special item on their sheet, first of all. But the real reason I say “principle” is, if I was playing for a GM who did otherwise, I might not make a fuss, but I know I’d feel like I was being fed some horseshit to add artificial difficulty. YMMV

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