I’m fairly certain my PCs are Hawkers and not a Cult.

I’m fairly certain my PCs are Hawkers and not a Cult.

I’m fairly certain my PCs are Hawkers and not a Cult. Only one member is actually a true believer (and he’s currently MIA), the rest are using the cult as a convenient excuse to replace Leviathan Blood as the power source that runs the city (The worth the Demon God of Leviathans). They almost never do occult scores, instead fighting with the nobility and leviathan hunters that have a stranglehold on the city through control of leviathan blood in an effort to improve their product. They would be getting a lot more crew XP if they switched over, and probably get more use out of the special abilities. So should I try and convince them to switch, or just let it go?

6 thoughts on “I’m fairly certain my PCs are Hawkers and not a Cult.”

  1. Definitely bring it up and ask them what they think – they may like the Cult abilities or claims, or they may agree that the Hawkers make more sense and they’ll benefit from it. If they’re a public-facing cult and have a claim that no longer makes sense, you could even convert it into a Cover Operation on the Hawkers sheet.

  2. They’ve spent most of their advances on upgrading their lair and cohorts. The only special ability they have is Bound in Darkness, but they honestly don’t use it that much.

    I’m not sure how good of a cover operation worshiping a demon is though.

  3. If you ever ask yourself if you should talk to your Players about a Problem, the Answere is almost always: Yes.

    This a collaborative Game and you should talk about the Game with your Players all the time and discuss potential Problems.

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