Last night our crew hit an edge case.

Last night our crew hit an edge case.

Last night our crew hit an edge case. I think we handled it okay in the moment, but now ‘d like to hear how others would cover it. They finished a score and had eight Heat, Wanted Level 0. For their Entanglement they rolled a 6: Arrest. One of the crew members gave himself up, but since they were at Wanted:0, we figured that the Bluecoats didn’t actually have enough on him to make a case before a magistrate. Instead, they took him to the local watch station and held him for about a couple of days until the rest of the crew pulled an Acquire Asset to get a barrister and get the whole thing thrown out. He spent a couple of days in holding, then was released. The crew cleared all their Heat since the barrister got the case tossed (as a nod toward the result of getting incarcerated).

In retrospect, I feel like I should have had the barrister make a roll based on his Quality to determine how much Heat was cleared rather than clearing it all.

9 thoughts on “Last night our crew hit an edge case.”

  1. Well, the rules for Incarceration do say the result is to reduce Wanted Level and clear all Heat; given the increase in each of the other levels of Heat being seeming about a factor of four or five, I may have said the Heat 0 is a week, but seeing as an Acquire Asset roll was made in addition to that, seems reasonable to reduce that a little further.

  2. I like the way you handled it. The “Arrest” entanglement says that if you hand someone over, it clears your heat. It doesn’t say that the person automatically does a stint in Ironhook — I assume there are plenty of fictional reasons why the arrest would happen but the prison term wouldn’t. In this case, Wanted Level 0 + a barrister sounds pretty good.

  3. I would be sure to have the barrister hold it over them in the future like they still owe something. Good fun reincorporation there. 🙂 Or perhaps an enemy faction later reveals/frames the barrister as corrupt or otherwise unsound, leading to a re-evaluation of old case files.

  4. What tier are the crew? I always find that factors into the arrest dynamic and ways around incarceration. I really like the way you handled it and the resultant fiction. Good story grist for sure.

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