Quick question this time (hopefully):

Quick question this time (hopefully):

Quick question this time (hopefully):

What happens to unspent coin paid to PCs if they don’t spend it in the downtime after the score that earned it? Does it have to be converted to Stash if they don’t choose to carry it in to the next score? Or does it have to be stored with the crew’s Coin?

12 thoughts on “Quick question this time (hopefully):”

  1. Either, they can do whatever they want with it. Fill crew coin, go to stash, put it in crew vault if they have the upgrade. If they have availability in multiple areas they can decide how it’s split or moved, otherwise it’s use it or lose it

  2. We are just shy of being able to afford the crew upgrade to buy the vault, so we have a surplus of crew Coin (we’ve spent two and we’ve still got four) as well as the one each we’ve got as personal coin. If my personal one can’t be kept as Coin and has to be stashed, I think I might just spend it on training or something. The loss of 50% bringing it from stash to coin is heartbreaking.

  3. Jason Lee stash does have its own value and purpose though, if gives your character a retirement fund and better presence and standing in the world. On a social score having a higher stash can affect your appearance and be the difference between no effect and limited effect etc. So I recommend not entirely discounting stash, but yeah extra downtime are always good.

  4. Chris McDonald Stash is definitely useful down the line, but we’re only 2 scores in so it might be a bit early to worry about that. Also, with the way I’ve been rolling recently, I’m not sure he’s going to make it to retirement. I’ll be lucky if he gets a nice burial.

  5. Another part of this question is: Can it also be not carried or stashed, but just left lingering in the ether? I feel like the answer ought to be ‘no’, but I wasn’t sure.

  6. Marcus Shepherd I don’t think there’s anywhere in the rules that explicitly states it (could be wrong) but I feel like given there are multiple forms of ways specifically to store coin and a ton of ways to spend it that it’s fairly strongly implied if you can’t “secure” your money you lose it.

  7. I’ve always felt that if I’m doing my job as GM properly, this should rarely ever be an issue. The normal cycle with the Dolls is that between what they earn doing a job and what their side businesses generate, they get a lot of Coin, but end up spending a majority of it on overhead, tribute to the Crows, payouts to contacts that were promised a taste, and various other expenses. In the end, they usually have just a little more than they had before the job.

    That being said, Coin that is “floating around”, in excess of what the PCs and their crew’s vault can carry, should ideally be Stashed asap, otherwise it’s out in the open and fair game.

  8. I’ve never seen a game do it but I kind of like the idea that additional floating assets attract attention of shadow and bravos factions looking for quick snatched and grab pay day.

  9. There’s a bravos opportunity which has something along the lines of “a crew has their takings from a recent score lying out in the open in their lair, believing their fearsome reputation will keep anyone from taking it”. I guess something like that maybe.

  10. I’m not sure if there is a misunderstanding, so just for clarity:

    You can keep up to 4 coin on your character sheet.

    That doesn’t represent actual coins you carry around, it’s simply money you can easily access in downtime or free play.

    And these 4 coin definitely do NOT count towards your load! Unless, of course, you explicitly declare that you carry this amount of money with you in the score.

    Usually, you just roll your lifestyle when money is concerned while doing a score.

    A coin can be put 1->1 into the stash, only when retrieving it the ratio 2->1 is used.

  11. One of my players has pointed out to me the same thing about the for slots on the character sheet. He also showed me that I had misunderstood/misread the section on coin. I thought the lines about being able to store up to four coin and your crew being able to store four coin referred to the same thing, but it says “also” so the crew can store 4, as can each of the individual members.

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