Does anyone have any guidance on expanding the entanglements list?  My players have rolled either a 4 or a 5 on…

Does anyone have any guidance on expanding the entanglements list?  My players have rolled either a 4 or a 5 on…

Does anyone have any guidance on expanding the entanglements list?  My players have rolled either a 4 or a 5 on every entanglement roll since we started playing (9 sessions).  Every session they are harassed by the Bluecoats.  I’ve just started bringing loose devils bargains to fruition instead, but I’d like to know if anyone else is having this issue.  It’s now a running joke in the game that no matter how low profile they are, the cops are up their ass.

7 thoughts on “Does anyone have any guidance on expanding the entanglements list?  My players have rolled either a 4 or a 5 on…”

  1. I like what the dice have brought to your game! The blue coats are obviously very pro-active in your Doskvol. The real question is why?

    I would tie the blue oats to whomever is at -3 on the factions list, they are out to get your crew of scoundrels and the blue oats are obviously in their pay pocket.

    That said, if you want to change the interrogation or seizure by the blue oats to some other faction, I think that is a cool way to ‘read’ the result of 4-5.

  2. Another option is a single or very small handful of obsessed blue coats. Has your crew done anything to warrant that kind of attention? Someone they scanned, conned, killed or who got caught in the crossfire of a heist? Are they the one good cop in town? Then there’s the question of how they got into the crew’s trail. A rival gang? Someone else out for revenge? Right place, right time?

  3. Maybe there’s a wager and different factions within the bluecoats are all vying for the purse, to see who can rub out a randomly chosen “scrub of the week” crew. You know. Your players’ characters. =)

  4. Seems like a good time to ask your players why this is happening. Fill in the the PCs backstories and find out why some bluecoat has sworn revenge against them or whatever.

  5. I have had a crew get in trouble because a rival gang framed them. There are lots of reasons bluecoats could take an interest.

    After a high-heat operation the bluecoats could bring them in for questioning. Then later, a new sergeant is in charge of the neighborhood, and he’s shaking down the locals to restructure the no-hassle fee. 

    These dots can connect, or not.

    But yes, I did make a more complex entanglement chart. Then I pared it back down with an eye to contextualizing things differently. Instead of “this happens” I see the entanglement as “this sort of thing happens” and fill it out with whatever backstory and devils bargains and factional shenanigans the PCs have experienced.

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