I want to run a one-shot of this (with the potential to hook my current group on to the system!) when I see my…

I want to run a one-shot of this (with the potential to hook my current group on to the system!) when I see my…

I want to run a one-shot of this (with the potential to hook my current group on to the system!) when I see my gaming group face-to-face in a couple of weeks, anyone got any tips/suggestions for a one-shot? Maybe a couple heists, a rival gang and some juicy betrayal?

7 thoughts on “I want to run a one-shot of this (with the potential to hook my current group on to the system!) when I see my…”

  1. How long a game are you planning? I’ve run two decent heists in a four hour con slot including explaining the rules to brand new to the system players. However that doesn’t include any in depth discussion of how Duskwall works or the magic/spirit aspects of the game. If you want to do more regarding the crew setup and the factions you’ll need to spend more time covering those aspects.

    As every score is done on the fly according to what the players want to do I always just prep a couple of non-player characters to use and vary their job etc according to what the players do.

    I have a vision of how Duskwall looks in my mind so I can riff off that for descriptions but unless you usually run like that it can be hard including the colour, ambience and dealing with the unfamiliar rules.

  2. It would probably be an afternoon/evening, so yeah four hours or more. I haven’t learnt the magical aspects of the game yet myself, so if I can’t get my head around it maybe I’ll leave that out! My players don’t normally go for wizards in any case. I played and loved Dishonoured so this game is very much similar to that for me at the moment, as well as Thief. I was wondering what their narrative arc should look like in this time? With a couple of heists I guess they would upgrade their gang and earn some enemies/allies right? Or would you forgo any other gangs for a one-shot?

  3. For heists, use the negative and positive statuses with rival factions as fodder for initial heist premise (like who to rob, who is offering the leads). Or take the initial three examples from page 4 (and 47).

    Thereafter I roll on the random tables (or just pick) for Scores as needed, page 48. And there is also the Duskwall Heists deck for tactile heist generation. https://plus.google.com/u/0/113881370051836623777/posts/WReqa2F7aav

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