I gotta write up an AP at some point soon, but in the meantime, I re-wrote Andrew Shields ‘s pre-gen characters to…

I gotta write up an AP at some point soon, but in the meantime, I re-wrote Andrew Shields ‘s pre-gen characters to…

I gotta write up an AP at some point soon, but in the meantime, I re-wrote Andrew Shields ‘s pre-gen characters to be compatible with the v3e / Gencon rules. Just in time for Gencon to be completely over!

To my credit I had to work a lot this week. Docx and PDF files are in the dropbox folder.



7 thoughts on “I gotta write up an AP at some point soon, but in the meantime, I re-wrote Andrew Shields ‘s pre-gen characters to…”

  1. It went really well! The crew, the Purple Skulls, assassinated Bazso Baz and then started poaching off some of his businesses. Both rogues coasted the edge of getting +1 Trauma (though not on the same heist) and one wound up possessed by someone they killed.

    I made a devil’s bargain with one, pumping Baz for information, that ‘Bazso will remember you intensely.’ He cackled and accepted, as Baz was their to-be murder victim. The Lampblacks still managed to get a sketch of him out of Baz’ ghost though. Ghosts! Everyone forgets them until it’s too late.

  2. There are over 1,400 members of this community. Surely you could get some further use out of the prefabs by offering to run some one-off sessions for people looking to try the system out!

  3. Hah, been busy lately and/or been playing so much Metal Gear Solid 5 all other considerations have dropped away, this week. Still, would be a good thing to do this weekend or so.

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