2 thoughts on “Can’t find mah post about guns!”

  1. Is this it?

    plus.google.com – Simple question: What’s the general level of firearms in the game (or your…

    To answer, it’s a really weird mix. The firearms themselves are flintlock level in that they are single shot, however they are breech-loaded rather than muzzleloaded. The easiest analogy would be the single barrel shotgun where you pop down the barrel every time to reload. I believe John posted a few examples of flare guns somewhere, might even be this post.

    However, as the rules state, a fine pistol is a pistol that has begun to incorporate the mechanics of a revolver, but is still limited to two shots. I’d imagine a fine pistol that is then upgraded by the crew option would be a full-fledged revolver with five or six shots.

    Ammunition wise, we’re talking post-US Civil War era when we fully converted over to using cartridged ammunition. Ie, brass casing filled with propellant with a bullet shoved into one end. Firing pin pokes a hole in the casing, ignites the propellant, and launches the bullet out the barrel via Boyle’s Law.

    So one the one hand, the firearms themselves are very retro-grade, but the ammunition is very top notch. I guess the best analogy for overall design would be Dishonored, which pretty much used the same firearm concept.

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