No updates from two days this week, and that’s because I spent both Thursday and Friday in meetings regarding RPGs…

No updates from two days this week, and that’s because I spent both Thursday and Friday in meetings regarding RPGs…

No updates from two days this week, and that’s because I spent both Thursday and Friday in meetings regarding RPGs that I can’t yet talk about (But believe me I’ll be yelling when I can), and then travelling back to yorkshire for the day job…

However, one thing that came from both meetings was that in general, the UK doesn’t have a large enough pool of GMs, and if we’re going to grow the hobby beyond what we have, we need to start building for tomorrow, today…

And that needs the help of those who already run games who want to see the hobby grow the way I do, and who are willing to give some of their time and wisdom to those just starting out on the path…

Would you like to know more…?