20 thoughts on “December KS Update!”

  1. Another thumbs up for the Cult crew sheet here. The Bound in Darkness special ability looks especially useful. On the other hand, Sealed in Blood and Glory Incarnate seem to invite all the right kinds of trouble.

  2. Then I’ll start working on my “Dreams in the Dark” hack (basically a dungeon crawling mix between Planescape / Inception / Dark Heart of the Dreamer / Dark Souls)

  3. This is great! I’ve been waiting to see more crew sheets. I’ll be starting a second game with my wife and some friends soon and I’m excited to give them options for a different kind of crew.

    I like the look of those Forgotten God abilities, and they sound perfect for the Lurk in my group who will soon be acquiring an artifact belonging to a forgotten god of murder.

    I do have a question about Glorious Visage though. Are there any restrictions on or costs for using this ability? Does a roll need to be made? As written it looks like it’s infinite free stuns.

  4. So what crews are we looking at in the finished product again? We’ve got Thieves, Cult, Smugglers, Hawkers, Assassins, Grifters & Vigilantes? Is that it?

    Rail Jacks, Bluecoats & Revolutionaries are separate playsets, yeah?

    This whole thing is looking super cool. It’s going to be tough deciding which version to play, what with Null Vector & Womb of Night and whatnot.

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