

Gosh. It’s kind of hard to make a playlist for Blades. It’s really easy to make one that does dark, criminally stuff well. Furnace Room Lullaby is all about that shit. It’s harder to find music that “paints with a haunted brush” and “surrounds the listener in industrial sprawl”.

If any of you have found any good songs, throw them at me. I’ve had a little bit of luck recently with delving into witch house music. Best artist I’ve found so far is “Bruxa”.

15 thoughts on “Gosh.”

  1. I’ve been thinking about mood music for my games, too. I’ve been running Star Wars, so that’s ridiculously easy. For Blades I’m thinking The Crow and Ink soundtracks, depending on the scene. At least to start. Some Two Steps From Hell might make it in there, too.

  2. I can definitely see those suggestions. smirks I just have to go and put everything in a neat, tidy box of electronic music.

    To go really obscure, The ‘Silence II’ album by Aurastys really puts my brain in the right place. In my head, “Prowler”‘ is essentially the soundtrack for the entirety of Episode 4 of Six Towers Gang when they got swat-teamed by the Red Sashes.

  3. Also, John Harper I nearly destroyed my voice trying to sing “God’s Away on Business” in the car just because I saw it on Eric’s Blades Playlist. And I’d do it again right now, except there are other people in the house and it’s 3 in the morning.

  4. I love me some Delta Rae but it might be too southern gothic to really fit the mood. The Extraordinary Contraptions could work but I’m pretty biased. In the same vein, maybe Abney Park. I feel like there’s more I should be thinking of but my brain is shorting.

  5. Allie Bustion I find that a lot of Southern Gothic music works quite well, actually.  Themes like hard work for little pay, lawlessness and sin, murder, ghost stories, water, and darkness…. the themes and tone are just too good.  I’ve actually described banjos and steel guitars as part of the musical landscape in-world, so it actually adds to the immersion. 

    I started with Spotify’s Southern Gothic playlist, and built my own from that, adding songs I stumble across, and stripping out those that break the mood tone-wise or break the immersion by mentioning real-world events or locations.

    Depending on the scene, I’ll shift into some of the soundtrack stuff aforementioned, especially for tense stealth and combat. 

  6. I’ve been listening to the Bastion Soundtrack, although it does occasionally stray into rural sounding music, when it’s all metal and urban it works well for me.

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