I listened to a man with a crime-touched youth talk about his experiences yesterday.

I listened to a man with a crime-touched youth talk about his experiences yesterday.

I listened to a man with a crime-touched youth talk about his experiences yesterday. He said something like, “At any point in my early twenties, I could’ve named about 10 people I knew as friends or acquaintances who were in currently prison.”

It gave me an idea for an easy hack of the Close Friend/Rival step in Character Creation. I think I maaaay ask my players to pick a 3rd person who they know is in Ironhook or off somewhere 8 miles away in the Deathlands, striking across the up/down arrows or filling in both or something like that. We’ll see!

5 thoughts on “I listened to a man with a crime-touched youth talk about his experiences yesterday.”

  1. I have a professional acquaintance (I’m a criminal lawyer) who once told me, with no trace of irony, that all of his high school friends are now either professionals or drug dealers…. and the worst part was that the drug dealers won’t even hire him, because they can afford more experienced counsel.

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