Does anyone have a ready to go list with cool names from the different cultures?

Does anyone have a ready to go list with cool names from the different cultures?

Does anyone have a ready to go list with cool names from the different cultures? I’ve seen John Harper referring to one in his APs…

And yeah, I know about page 56. 😉 Just seems all sort of Akorosian. Maybe?

5 thoughts on “Does anyone have a ready to go list with cool names from the different cultures?”

  1. I use – Fantasy name generators. Names for all your fantasy characters. all the time, specifically the wonderful Real Names section. Pick a nationality, and generate a bunch of names. Sometimes you get some duds (or some unintentionally funny ones), just filter those out and keep generating.

    For Iruvian, I’ll use a mix of Arabic, Ancient Egyptian, and Modern Egyptian. For Severosi, I mix Italian and Greek. For Akorosi, I mix English, Irish, Edwardian, and Elizabethan. For Skovlan, I lean mostly on Danish and Norwegian.

    I copy and paste the names into a Word doc with columns for different heritages. As I use names in-game, I cross them off. When I start running out of good options, I know it’s time to update the sheet.

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