So is it bad to create a hack for this game that someone else is already making?

So is it bad to create a hack for this game that someone else is already making?

So is it bad to create a hack for this game that someone else is already making? I noticed someone is already making a pirate hack. I also started making a pirate hack before knowing that. If it was altered to be less focused on pirates broadened to include other seafarer types, would it then be okay?

I feel like I wasted a lot of time. Sure I can share my material with my friends but I feel like I’d be admonished if I then released it publicly when someone else was able to capitalize on the concept first.

5 thoughts on “So is it bad to create a hack for this game that someone else is already making?”

  1. “would that be okay?”

    It’s ALWAYS okay to be creative. It doesn’t matter if someone else is doing the same thing – you do whatever you want to do.

    Your pirate hack will be different to theirs, because you’ll naturally be creative in different ways.

    Worrying about this is like worrying if it’s okay to write another pop song, when there’s already so many out there.

    If that’s what you want to do, creatively speaking, then do it.

    Maybe you’ll even be inspired by each other, and end up building something even better than you could have alone.

    And if anyone admonishes you? Forget them. They don’t own the concept of pirates, nor do they have a monopoly on writing about pirates in Blades in the Dark.

  2. keep working on it, and make the version that you want to make. then when their version comes out look for things you like and things you don’t like and let those judgments inform your own choces.

  3. Speaking as the other guy working on a pirate hack, I agree 100%. I have absolutely no objection to you making and sharing one of your own, and as Tony said I’d be on shaky ground if I did.

    Personally, I’m just excited to see what you’ve been working on; it’ll be really cool to get someone else’s take on the pirate genre.

  4. Joe Adkisson Really nice to know that, thanks guys! My focus so far has been on how travel, cargo space, and the expeditions seafarers can go on; not so much on the playbooks yet. I’ll post as soon as I think I got the full cycle of play down!

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