24 thoughts on “Here is an AP sample for the next Score on Monday.”

  1. That’s what I’m talking about Josephe! That’s heist design right there! The GM takes five, jots down a few obstacles and the players can see it all laid out on the ‘key’. Awesome!

  2. OMG. I just an ‘old key’ google search….

    I think I may have to scour local antique stores for old keys to use in the game as a tangible resource. Marking clock segments? Stress? 

  3. Try making Voodoo Doll where you can stick the keys in it 😛

    Seriously, I just give the Group a Key after the score, and they can award one player who stood out on the heist, getting the Key. (A real bronze one) If you want cheap ones, you can order thoses on bulk in a chineses ebay shop 😛

  4. Mr. Vandel – you have increased the amount of gamer porn by the power of 2…. first, we had map porn, and all us gamers rejoiced. But now you have added temporal map porn in the form of KEYS.

  5. Serious question. Not rhetorical in the slightest. Isn’t this sort of antithetical to the whole “play and find out what happens” thing that PbtA and derivative systems thrive on? What if players create new fictive elements that require more clocks. What if the mission changes half way through the game and they no longer want to defeat the locks and instead break down a wall? What if the players decide not to take the mission at all and go after something else entirely? I make this comment among a sea of well deserved praise for your graphic illustration and with no malice to undermine that accomplishment. The problem I’m having digesting this is that my sessions have been wildly unpredictable. Half way through a game our slide was levitating up to a balcony to impress a crowd of demonic party goers while I made out with a serving wench. There were no pregenerated clocks for that.

  6. Well it depends on style of play. But I never said you have to defeat or resolve all clocks at all 😉

    Honestly its just a decoratiever element, eyecandy. And I have a ton of keys to scribble on while playing.

    Some people mentioned clockimages on paper for use. So so just did that with graphic mojo. I claim no strict use on them.

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