Finally finished up my little run of “Tales of the Rail Jacks,” quite fun to see how those earlier rules led to the…

Finally finished up my little run of “Tales of the Rail Jacks,” quite fun to see how those earlier rules led to the…

Finally finished up my little run of “Tales of the Rail Jacks,” quite fun to see how those earlier rules led to the Blades set we all have now. To finish up we ran a sort of end credits bit, with players talking about the history of the Rail Jacks, from the early poor brave fools to the modern crew with all of their fancy Leviathan Oil powered tech. Set the whole thing to “The Lyre of Orpheus” by Nick Cave. Thank you again for turning quite a few gamers into storytellers John.

I drew up a few sketches for that credits sequence. Esoteric stuff to talk of the history of imaginary train-riding ghostbusters, but it’s a fun challenge to try and make working stiffs in environment suits into sympathetic characters. Hope this isn’t too far out of this Group’s remit.

Here’s part one, the early Jacks.

3 thoughts on “Finally finished up my little run of “Tales of the Rail Jacks,” quite fun to see how those earlier rules led to the…”

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