Hi All!

Hi All!

Hi All!

Quick question for anyone being a subscriber of Ryan Dunleavy on Patreon.


Has he finished the final Hi Res map of Duskvol? It mentioned that he would finish it once he hit the $1000 mark.

I’m not interested in any of the maps (Although they are astounding quality wise)

Would like to know before I subscribe to him 🙂



3 thoughts on “Hi All!”

  1. Hi Stephen! Having just reached 1,000 patrons, I have not yet had a chance to dig into the larger map. That is next up on my schedule.

    There are a few things I have to take care of first, namely a full-time+ job for the next few weeks and procuring a new computer capable of handling that map in Photoshop. Expect some updates near the end of the Summer and then through the Fall.

    The map as it is now was created over the course of two years, if you can believe it.

    Thanks for reaching out with the question though and I really do look forward to completely finishing out that map!

  2. Wonderful Ryan!

    Thanks so much for the update, your work is truly amazing!

    I look forward to seeing how the full map ends up and printing it for my group.

    Keep up the good work!


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