I stumbled upon this photo of Pittsburgh in 1955 and immediately thought “Duskvol!” I clicked on the link and it…

I stumbled upon this photo of Pittsburgh in 1955 and immediately thought “Duskvol!” I clicked on the link and it…

I stumbled upon this photo of Pittsburgh in 1955 and immediately thought “Duskvol!” I clicked on the link and it brought me to the work of the renowned photojournalist W. Eugene Smith. There are definitely some Blades-esque pictures, but take some time to sit with these powerful, resonant images:


5 thoughts on “I stumbled upon this photo of Pittsburgh in 1955 and immediately thought “Duskvol!” I clicked on the link and it…”

  1. I am excited to see more of this collection, but I had the same experience as Sean – the link is a dead end and the site is so chock-full of photography that I have not been able to locate the set.

  2. Hello, home. I was at the highest (publicly available) point of the cathedral just last summer. Even today there are very few tall buildings near it so everything looks so small, but I imagine you can see a lot farther than back in ’55.

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