I’m planning on running Blades in the Dark around the end of May, so I thought I’d show off the work in progress of…

I’m planning on running Blades in the Dark around the end of May, so I thought I’d show off the work in progress of…

I’m planning on running Blades in the Dark around the end of May, so I thought I’d show off the work in progress of my city map.  I still have a lot of work to do on it.

This is Warden Narrows (formerly known as ‘Not-Dunwall’).  I started building this city a year ago for gaming purposes, but I just couldn’t get excited about it.  Then I learned about Blades in the Dark and well, things suddenly started coming together.

#citymap   #wardennarrows  

9 thoughts on “I’m planning on running Blades in the Dark around the end of May, so I thought I’d show off the work in progress of…”

  1. Very cool. I like the various walled sections. Makes me curious about the history of the site.

    Looks like you have lots of room to add specific places within each ward. Will you be using the standard factions or a new set? I can imagine some like the Gondoliers may best be swapped with something else.

  2. Lovely map.

    In a world of your own creation, or perhaps somewhere in the Dagger Isles?  (no lighting towers)

    I could see a cool mini-campaign bring run in this small city with only the factions you prefer, or with newly created factions.

  3. Adam Minnie – Thanks!  Yes, the city has been through quite a bit of changes in its history.  I’m planning on re-skinning most of the factions to fit, but a lot of them will work as is.

    Matthew Gagan – Thank you!  It’s in my own world, a different empire, but it could certainly be in the Dagger Isles.  It’s a big river city, not on a coast.  I thought the river traffic would be a good way to bring in interesting people and items from other lands.

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