Quick Question: Normally when you resist harm it goes down a level, but sometimes the PC already has the lower level…

Quick Question: Normally when you resist harm it goes down a level, but sometimes the PC already has the lower level…

Quick Question: Normally when you resist harm it goes down a level, but sometimes the PC already has the lower level filled up, I would rule in this instance that the player can’t actually resist the harm because a level three wound (severed arm) would be turned down to a level 1 wound (nicked pinkie). Am I correct in this judgment?

5 thoughts on “Quick Question: Normally when you resist harm it goes down a level, but sometimes the PC already has the lower level…”

  1. Reads differently to me.

    They can resist, and if that only lowers the harm then it is so and they might take stress for this benefit (handle resist as usual). Could be the harm was avoided instead of reduced, in which case the benefit is clear.

    The only thing close to what you are describing would result in a wasted resist, not a further lowered harm – since it would go into a higher slot anyways (see p. 11, Suffer Harm)

  2. That’s my reading as well, that it’s somewhat pointless. It’s worth noting that you don’t always have to reduce harm by just one level. I think that’s the “default,” more or less, but sometimes it might be appropriate for it to go down more.

    Also, it might occasionally be worth resisting anyway in cases where the harm penalty would be worse. Having a broken or shattered limb (or limbs), for example, could be really bad, since that’s going to be a -1 (or worse) on … Practically everything. Maybe the player would rather take a shot to the body instead. Or something like being ‘seduced’, resisted down to ‘enamored’ might be preferable.

  3. The rules are not that definitive as to whether a resistance rule should reduce the harm level or block it entirely — it’s left up to the GM. You should decide what the effect of the resistance roll will be on a case-by-case basis and let the player know before they decide to resist.

  4. Wasn’t there an occurrence in the Blood Letters videos where level 3 harm was completely resisted by combining a resistance roll with using armor and set up or pushing?

  5. Jörg Mintel brings up a good point that I forgot! If a resistance roll looks pointless because it’ll adjust the harm to a level that will push it back up, bring up the possibility that they have armor that will contribute and push it down two levels.

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