Hey hivemind!

Hey hivemind!

Hey hivemind! Was wondering, I want to illustrate the revolutionaries becoming better organized and armed in my Duskval, what immediately sprang to mind was military equipment of the 1920’s falling into the hands of gangsters. (Lewis guns, tommy guns etc.) but I don’t want such fully automatic weaponry. Has anyone come up with cool blades-y heavy weaponry?

10 thoughts on “Hey hivemind!”

  1. Railjack-grade heavy lightning hooks? Unusual/prototype handguns like duck-foot pistols, pepperbox revolvers, or the doublebarreled (under-over?) pistols described in the Hound’s fine pistols?

    Alternatively, there’s whatever heavy artillery the Leviathan hunters fleets use in your Duskvol to bring down (or at least bleed) a sea demon.

  2. Anti hull rifle grenades. Claymore mines. Military grade grounding straps and standard issue portable summoning and binding rugs and mats embroidered in silvered thread by a jaquard loom

  3. Gatling guns. Dynamite. 6-pounder field cannons. Mortars. Hand-cannons. Musketoons. Bayonets. Lightning lances (& fearless horses bred for the death lands). Iruvian fire.

  4. I guess the main question is, where are they getting this stuff? Did they raid bluecoat or military armoury? Then they’d have what the bluecoats have. Are they getting arms smuggled in? From whom?

    Are they kitbashing their own?

  5. Honestly, just longarms in any quantity with training would let them be a force that would require the intervention of the imperial army.

    The Bluecoats are not military, and have no way of clearing even small barricades if defended with rifles.

  6. Swords instead of knives

    Metal half spears

    Hull wrecking crowbars and pry irons

    Code words and successful heists

    Uniforms and/or armor

    Another idea is the jobs they pull off. Things get a lot more interesting if the players hear about an armored wagon that got rob because some one used a ballista style harpoon gun to hold it in place.

  7. Thanks for the replies everyone! I do like the idea of them getting their hands on horses and leviathan hunting equipment, I’ll definitely do something like that. A few ideas I’ve had were something like a rocket-assisted harpoon gun or an MGL like thing with grenades filled with rabid ghosts.

    As far as where it comes from, I know they’re smuggling it in but I didn’t really put much thought into the “who’s selling” part of it. Enigmatic Tycherosi destabilising the empire maybe? Haven’t had much action with the consulates really either

    I know the 1920s are somewhat late, but Peaky Blinders though 😛

    On the one hand yes, but it’s kinda been established that most tier 2 organizations don’t have much trouble sourcing “generic” longarms, though I suppose truly mass infantry squads (mass being like 20 dudes in this case) could still be interesting. I’m more going for a Irish revolutionary vibe rather than 1840s Jacobins

  8. Generic longarms could be anything from matchlock muzzeloading muskets to bolt action rifles with telescopic sights that let you use the ghost field to see through walls. There is a lot of range in there.

  9. “Some” parts of the The Order 1886 are perfect for BitD, weapons, enviroments etc (Surprised that isn’t a touchstone really, regardless of the quality of the game)

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