11 thoughts on “Any suggestions for cool artificer designs? specifically non-weapon designs?”

  1. My Leech player is currently developing a “bottle reader.” A device that automates the pesky process of interrogating ghosts and extracts the information in an as-of-yet undefined process. Questions surrounding what the ghost itself might experience during this process were hand-waved as inconcsequential.

  2. Not weapons related? Perhaps some magnetized grapples? Honestly, I thought about trying to “invent” the motorcycle using Doskvolian-level tech.

    Wouldn’t be too hard. Just need to determine if the electroplasm is combustible, or if it should have a self-perpetuating electric motor that can be powered through attuning the spirit field. Perhaps use ghosts as fuel. I think I stole that last one from an online comic strip lol.

    Perhaps wrist communicators that are actually spirit doors only large enough to allow sounds through, a sort of ghost walkie-talkie. They look like watches, but secretly they let Zordon talk to the Power Rangers.

  3. Fee’s a brilliant sparkwright, but it’s a battle fighting for recognition as a headstrong Skov without formal training. She’s found some process to “fractionate” the ectoplasmic essence of ghosts without fully discorporating it.

    So far she’s constructed a listening device with this principle. A palm-sized ghost trap holds the ghost’s sensory essence, while the ghosts motive essence is bound to a tympanic membrane and needle, recording everything the ghost “hears” onto wax disks to play back later. The separation only works so well, and the ghost just discorporates if the two parts of the device are taken more than a few blocks apart. Even under ideal conditions, the ghost still discorporates in a few days. (Magnitude 3, consumable, rare ingredients)

    She’s currently working on another application of the same process. Sensing vibrations and echoes through the ghost field, an isolated chunk of ghost essence in a resonating crystal can map a space as large as an average building over the course of a few hours. The bulk of the ghost is still isolated in an adapted tympanic pulley system at a distance, drawing the maps. If the object is moved around, it can make larger maps. The main disadvantage is that some ghosts aren’t suited for the process (lack of artistic ability, maybe? Or just too distant from life to understand space?), but there’s no way to know but to try one. (Magnitude 4, unreliable, consumable, rare ingredients)

  4. Making an untappable ghost field radio is easy. Just capture the ghosts of two twins that died at the same time and bind them to spirit bottles wired up to two identical portable electroplasmaphonographs.. Of course, if ya want the voices to be clear the phonograph horns will need to be made of leviathan ivory. Yeah may take a bit to scrounge up the components, and those twin ghosts, but by the end you’ll have yourself a fancy device that will allow you to talk to someone on the other side of the Shattered Isles as clear as day! Ha! Not that I remember what actual day looked like!

  5. Oh and I wouldn’t recommend going the easier route and just using the ghosts of two dead lovers. You’ll always end up either falling in love or having an argument with the other person on the other end of the line.

  6. What is your campaign/crew/character? Because things that make sense for that would probably be more interesting and easy to come up with.

  7. I wonder if photography is already invented in the BitD world.

    After all, the first photo was taken in the real world in 1826.

    Imagine reporters with big electroplasmic flashlights take photos at a crime scene in Crows Foot.

    And inventing movies and movie theaters would be a breeze for a leech. 🙂

  8. I commissioned a Bond-type walking stick. Retractable needle in the base connected to a vial of Slumber Essence. Twist the handle and Shadow Essence explodes outward. In our world dark sight goggles see through that, so it’s good for an escape.

  9. Jörg Mintel It certainly could be. I imagine it’d almost have to be tied to both the silver trade and access to electricity, since there’s no sun to expose the image to paper. Of course, I’m assuming that the camera tech level would be something like way back when silver nitrate was used in photographs.

    Of course, the major default there is that it’d be almost no good without some sort of flash to create the light. So it wouldn’t be concealable.

    Although, perhaps it could be made for the whisper and they’d just “attune” through the camera and use some spirit electricity to create the negative? And maybe make the roll having the results of how good the image is?

    Failure could be completely blurry. Partial success is you get the image, but maybe the person or thing you are trying to photograph is fuzzy and hard to make out, or a ghost shows up in the background, or something like that. Complete success is obvious, but what would the crit be? Should there be a crit? Maybe for kicks and giggles, you get all of the ghosts present as well, but making funny faces, a la Haunted Mansion at Disney?

    Definitely some thought processes there.

  10. Jason Lee I’m running an investigative/vigilante style game. They’re not so much trying to control territory as unravel a mystery and track down a sinister organization. That kind of thing

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