This might be covered in the rules, but I’ve been having trouble finding a definite answer.

This might be covered in the rules, but I’ve been having trouble finding a definite answer.

This might be covered in the rules, but I’ve been having trouble finding a definite answer. If the players are fighting against a larger group or gang, does the gang itself make “attacks” against the players? does each individual member roll or is it decided by a single group roll? Do the NPCs actually take actions against the PCs at all, or are their actions simply covered by complications and harm as a result of the PCs rolls?

4 thoughts on “This might be covered in the rules, but I’ve been having trouble finding a definite answer.”

  1. NPCs don’t take actions; their actions are covered by the consequences of PC action rolls. See p. 23, the section titled “Double-Duty Rolls”. For the specific example of “fighting a group of enemies”, there are a couple ways of handling that: if it’s one PC rolling Skirmish against a group, that sounds like Desperate Position with Limited Effect – if they fail that roll, the gang probably dogpiles onto them and they take Level 3 Harm “Shit Kicked Out of You”. If it’s a group of PCs against an even sized group of NPCs, that’s a Group action, probably with Risky Position and Standard effect.

  2. Also, if you feel that the NPCs truly have the initiative (an ambush, far superior numbers, catching them unarmed, etc) then you are permitted to start with stating bad things happen (including harm) and leave it to the PCs to resist (or not) before they can take an action.

    For instance “you wake to a gag being shoved in your mouth and being roughly tied up by four large figures.” To which the PC can certainly say “I RESIST!” (probably with prowess) and might need to before they can take an action. Use this rarely though, when the NPCs really have a big advantage (see page 11 for more)

  3. This whole answer to the issue of “how do NPCs act when everything happens as a response to player action?” is what I really love about this system, because it lets you actively reflect how powerful an antagonist is, which I frequently struggle with in original AW. Proof this game is wonderful.

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