Hey guys, first time poster here.

Hey guys, first time poster here.

Hey guys, first time poster here. So, two questions: I am interested in running Blades in the Dark as a campaign (with me as GM) with a group of relative new comers to RPGs (they never took part in a campaign, only played oneshot adventures like Dread, etc); do you think the system is too mechanic-heavy for first timers? And do you have any tips? The second question is that me and my boyfriend were planning, in preparation for the aforementioned campaign, to try out Blades in the Dark in a 1-on-1 setting (we’ve done this with Dungeon World and Call of Cthulhu and it went well), with me as GM and him as the player. However, due to the Crew mechanic, how would you do this? I’ve been trying to find someone’s experience with 1-on-1 Blades, but found nothing. Thank you, and sorry for any possibly broken English!

3 thoughts on “Hey guys, first time poster here.”

  1. If you don’t use the position and effect rules, its pretty easy to approach for newcomers. after a few sessions you can introduce those rules if you find it necessary.

    1 on 1’s can be tricky. Stress is the main thing that keeps the score going, but when you have 1 player the PC’s stress pool is fairly low. If I were going to do a 1 on 1 campaign, i’d double the stress pool for that 1 PC. The crew sheet doesn’t really block this play, you can just make other NPCs to fill out the scenery. if its a 1 on 1 session, there will either be a lot of fortune or command rolls.

  2. For what it’s worth, I ran Blades for just my brother last night. He played a crew of 3 scoundrels (Hound, Leech, and Slide), and it worked very well. I will say make the disclaimer, though that we’re both decently experienced at rpgs of various types, and I’m well acquainted with the system.

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