So characters get access to all friends on their character sheet, even their rivals.

So characters get access to all friends on their character sheet, even their rivals.

So characters get access to all friends on their character sheet, even their rivals. This is correct to my understanding. But I was under the impression that any friend which you did not highlight as your best would want something in return for a favour, whether that be payment or a score or a project. Your best friend would want nothing in return but would expect the same of you if they were in a pickle.

Is this correct?

2 thoughts on “So characters get access to all friends on their character sheet, even their rivals.”

  1. Sounds right to me. If they’re not friends or enemies, just people you know, there’s an expectation of something for something. You could even take steps to make them into friends, or otherwise if that suits your interests.

  2. I would say yes, but with the caveat that it’s probably not so black and white as you paint it. When I run it, I just play the “Yes, and” game. If a PC asks for help from their contact/friends list, well, they are going to get it. And, they are going to get everything that comes with it. Depending on what they ask, and the context, they may well incur a debt or a price that must be paid for the assistance. They might not. Just depends.

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