Hiyas again!

Hiyas again!

Hiyas again!

Tis me again, w/a basic setting question: Is there [drinkable] water in the Shattered Islands’ world? I mean, if the entire ocean “turned to ink (-like substance)” one would surmise that most fluids are thus, right?

Sadly, I find nothing about this in the corebook…


PS: I didn’t know in which subgroup to posit this, sorry if I made a boo-boo.

7 thoughts on “Hiyas again!”

  1. Thats what I also thought, just wanted to make sure. Also scoured the book but found nothing. P’haps mr John Harper could shed some light?

  2. Yes, there is drinkable water.

    How or why? I dunno. If it ever matters in your game, you can say that the effect of the cataclysm, being strange magic, didn’t pollute the rivers and springs the way it did the sea.

    Or perhaps water is filtered to extract the “ink” (whatever that is).

    Or perhaps people drink the ink-water and everyone gets black teeth eventually.

    Or perhaps everyone died in the cataclysm and the world is a pitch black limbo and no one really eats or drinks, they just go through the motions.

    Blades is not a game that needs to care much about a detail like this, and since “realism” doesn’t apply to the weird magically shattered world, any answer works.

  3. “Or perhaps everyone died in the cataclysm and the world is a pitch black limbo and no one really eats or drinks, they just go through the motions.”

    This very similar to one of the first ideas that came to my mind when I first read the setting. The Gates of Death are not “broken”: the whole world is already beyond them.

  4. John Harper , just axing because of the whole section in the corebbok about what different peeps eat in Duskwall piqued my curiosity, too.


  5. If you need a simulationist approach,may I suggest the “inky stuff” in the see doesn’t evaporate as water do. So when it rains the water is “inky free”, which conglomerate in River full of pure water.

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