So, I’m playing a hound in a upcoming game with my freinds, and a question has been brewing in the back of my skull.

So, I’m playing a hound in a upcoming game with my freinds, and a question has been brewing in the back of my skull.

So, I’m playing a hound in a upcoming game with my freinds, and a question has been brewing in the back of my skull. What kind of guns are in blades? Are they flintlocks, or are they like early 1900’s guns? Should I have a brace of pistols, or a gunbelt for a revolver?

6 thoughts on “So, I’m playing a hound in a upcoming game with my freinds, and a question has been brewing in the back of my skull.”

  1. The book describes the Hound’s fine pistols as being inventive and allowing for 2 shots a load (so early revolver tech) I assume any other lesser gun to be single shot.

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