Quick sanity check: does the two bubbles next to the Veteran crew ability mean that there are two slots for Veteran abilities or that it takes two ability upgrades to unlock a Veteran ability?
Quick sanity check: does the two bubbles next to the Veteran crew ability mean that there are two slots for Veteran…
Quick sanity check: does the two bubbles next to the Veteran crew ability mean that there are two slots for Veteran…
You can have 2 abilities; one for each bubble
Two unconnected bubbles means you can do something twice (e.g. You can take two Veteran Advances).
Two connected bubbles means it requires two points to do/have (e.g. Heavy armour requires two points of load to carry).
No worries. It’s been asked a few times so there’s quite a few of us who weren’t sure at first read.
Well thanks for asking, because I was interpreting it the wrong way!
The purpose of the abilities list is not so much to restrict, as to ease the ability selection process. As John pointed out during the Rollplay Blades AP – it’s okay to have more abilities from other sources than the number of dots there. Granted, John was referring to playbook Veteran advances, but I believe this also applies to crew abilities.