10 thoughts on “Can you build upgrade vaults past 16 coins?”

  1. Any coin taken from stash is halved. To ascend in Tier, you can use Vault coin, pooled with PC coin, pooled with Stash coin… or you can climb in Tier immediately after pulling off a stupidly good score that has you swimming in Coin.

  2. Also, like, fiction first. Your vault is (mostly) secure storage. It’s totally legit to store coin in another part of your turf, it just won’t be as well protected. And since you’re getting ready to break into Tier 3 or higher, you’ve probably got enemies that will be itching to steal those fat stacks, so be prepared to fight tooth and nail to defend your loot as you get ready to break into the big time. Rogue life!

    Also, Patron. So long as you’ve got your posh boss on your side, you can push all the way up to Tier IV with just your Vault funds. If you’re into that sort of thing.

  3. Thanks everyone, all very helpful. It kind of seems like mechanically, getting above tier 2 pretty much requires a patron, and hitting tier 4 or above requires risk from the PCs in needing to use funds that are either not secure or are coming from stash at heavy cost.

  4. Running a criminal operation is super hard! Right after you bump up in Tier, you’re uniquely vulnerable for a brief time, unable to splurge on Downtime Actions. I think I like that angle, of growing in Tier putting you on the back foot while you reconsolidate your fortunes.

  5. I’m a little bit confused by part of the question – namely, the bit about “retire in style”; Your retirement is based on the value of your stash not the contents of your crew vault or your personal pockets.

  6. Sorry for the confusion. I meant upgrade past tier 1 while still being able to retire in style. I understand that you can stash away whatever you want to stash, it just seemed impossible to upgrade at a certain point without pulling from stash, and then having to pay the severe penalty for it. Seems like the core answer is that, assuming you want your crew to continue to grow, you should get a patron by the time you’re considering tier 3.

  7. Gonna have to be a REALLY big score to exceed the size of your existing vault (going from 16 to 40, or to 50). Was just kind of surprised that there wasn’t an increased vault upgrade option as your crew gets really huge. Kind of feels like “We run this town! And keep all our money in one room”

  8. Assuming a crew of 4 and a fully upgraded vault, that’s 16 in pocket money + 16 in the vault = 32 coin without having to dip into anybody’s Stash, enough to reach Tier IV. With a crew of 3 you could easily manage a 4-coin payoff to “float” the remainder while you upgrade. Tier V requires 40 coin but that is such an absurd amount of power and resources I doubt I would keep playing at that point – it would be almost impossible to contend with foes above your station unless you’re fighting the Imperial Army. However, at that point, having to pull off a major, 10+ Coin score to upgrade would make sense anyway.

  9. Thanks for the correction, forgot it was 8*new level, not 10. I rarely run games more than 6-10 sessions, so it’s pretty moot in my case, was just curious game mechanics behind it

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