Strange question, folk, but when rolling for Entanglements, am I correct in assuming that if a crew doesn’t have any…

Strange question, folk, but when rolling for Entanglements, am I correct in assuming that if a crew doesn’t have any…

Strange question, folk, but when rolling for Entanglements, am I correct in assuming that if a crew doesn’t have any wanted levels or heat, that they would still roll 2d6 and take the lowest? I’m not sure why they’d attract trouble if they didn’t cause a stir, but it doesn’t seem like the rules necessarily require them to if their rivals or something show up unannounced.

5 thoughts on “Strange question, folk, but when rolling for Entanglements, am I correct in assuming that if a crew doesn’t have any…”

  1. I’m pretty sure that entanglements isn’t necessarily just a result of the last score, but also just a way to show that life is complicated for the scoundrels. Though perhaps less complicated when they are making less of a mess of things.

  2. Spikemaw: Right, and we do this as well for “payoff”, like murderrrring Setarra us a grand score-10 Coin, even though we gotnothing of value. Suddenly our Cult will actually get donations, and we’ll get tipped off for easy scores and for a little while we’ll have a ‘Protection scheme’…

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