Hi folks, apologies if this is covered elsewhere but is Nyryx the prostitute (Slide contact) the same as Nyryx the…

Hi folks, apologies if this is covered elsewhere but is Nyryx the prostitute (Slide contact) the same as Nyryx the…

Hi folks, apologies if this is covered elsewhere but is Nyryx the prostitute (Slide contact) the same as Nyryx the possessor ghost (Whisper contact) in the established fiction… Or is it just a slip/common name?

It’s just I have 2 players both picked him/her and I want to know if there is a reason for the same name, if not I will probably just rename one for clarity.

10 thoughts on “Hi folks, apologies if this is covered elsewhere but is Nyryx the prostitute (Slide contact) the same as Nyryx the…”

  1. Our Whisper took Nyryx as an enemy (specifically, a creepy obsessed stalker) at character creation, then later on our Slide asked if he could hire Nyryx to work in their establishment. The look of horror on the Whisper’s face was delicious… So I had the prostitute be the spirit now “living” as a vampire.

  2. Yeah, my Slide picked Nyryx as a friend and he uses her to identify marks for the crew’s cons. Our Whisper joined later and picked Nyryx as a friend too, so we just said Nyryx was the most common girl’s name in Duskwall in the 820s. =D

    Later, though, I noticed on the “GM REFERENCE” sheet that comes with the character sheets that there’s a list of “Doskvol notables” and one of the entries is: “Nyryx and Hoxan, rogue spirits possessing the bodies of streetwalkers, looking for a whisper to serve.” So they’re definitely intended to be the same Nyryx.

    My two Lurks also picked the same locksmith Frake, one as an enemy and one as a friend. It’s been fun.

  3. There is nothing in the fiction that says they have to be the same person; inside a city multiple people with the same name is not uncommon.

    Edit: As everyone has already said, however, if they are the same, fun time madness may ensue. Do what’s best for your game.

  4. I’ve learned to ctrl+f in the PDF whenever I look at names in the book. There are repeat names ALL OVER THE PLACE, and I fully believe that they are the same person.

    Plus it’s way better when you find out how people are connected through these weird people.

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