question in regards to indulging your vice is there something special that happens if you crit?

question in regards to indulging your vice is there something special that happens if you crit?

question in regards to indulging your vice is there something special that happens if you crit? At least from the rules point fiction of course comes first but was wondering if there are specific rule mechanic. I read that its the reverse of resistance roll, which would be gaining 1 stress?

7 thoughts on “question in regards to indulging your vice is there something special that happens if you crit?”

  1. yeah was thinking auto overindulge

    hasn’t come up yet but someone asked and didn’t seem very clear in the book

    like they say can follow the fiction if necessary

  2. There is nothing in the book about it, Though Personally I would say one of the following could work.

    A: Automatic Overindulge – Though the players may not like this

    B: Allow the player to shift the stress loss by +/- 1 Point (to 5 or 7) – Could help them prevent overindulging or clear up one of the stragglers.

    C: Allow the player to chose between 1 and 6 stress loss – Helps incentivise <6 stress indulging.

    D: Gain a benefit – Perhaps the scoundrel makes friends with a influential member of a neutral crew, gaining favor. Or perhaps they find an opportunity to make an easy coin, or find a relatively high paying job.

    E: Gains an immediate free opportunity to indulge their vice without taking a downtime action. – Helps clear up high stress count.

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