1. How does one determine whether or not to give coin during the payoff?

1. How does one determine whether or not to give coin during the payoff?

1. How does one determine whether or not to give coin during the payoff?

2. Our crew are Hawkers. Do we only get coin when we are making sales? What if they run a scores to acquire new product supply or secure new sales territory through seizure of another crews claim?

3. Can you give a few examples of scores that do not include a payoff?

2 thoughts on “1. How does one determine whether or not to give coin during the payoff?”

  1. Quite a few of the scores the Porcelain Dolls pulled off were in aid of much larger schemes, such as weakening the Hold of the Dockers so they could take over, or rigging the City Council election, and in those instances there was no payoff in Coin.

    I always made sure to go into a score with the crew knowing if there was going to be an opportunity to grab something valuable along the way or not, so they seemed cool with it. Then again, they had some really ambitious plans.

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