Scum & Villainy heat and entanglement questions

Scum & Villainy heat and entanglement questions

Scum & Villainy heat and entanglement questions

* Can I confirm that you roll Entanglements in S&V differently from BitD? In BitD, you roll dice equal to Heat Wanted. S&V suggests you roll a single die. Is that the case?

* Given that Heat is tracked per-system, and the inter-system jump gates seem to be heavily Guild-controlled, it makes sense to me that travel between systems should be trickier than just being handwaved away. Perhaps it could cost some Cred for permits or bribes, or could be a special Score to get passage without attracting official attention, depending on Wanted level. Is that the intent of the game?

2 thoughts on “Scum & Villainy heat and entanglement questions”

  1. Yes, a single die is correct for entanglements in S&V.

    For crossing between systems, you need to go through a Hegemonic checkpoint. In most cases, that’s going to go smoothly, particularly if you have fake credentials, or a legitimate ID. If you’re in doubt about how much effort it’s going to take, you can always use a fortune roll. I would look at their wanted level as a trait for that roll (where 1-3 is good for the players and 6 is good for the Hegemony).

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