Recent thoughts on Runners in the Dark: My group wanted to know what they could to Tier up faster, and I responded…

Recent thoughts on Runners in the Dark: My group wanted to know what they could to Tier up faster, and I responded…

Recent thoughts on Runners in the Dark: My group wanted to know what they could to Tier up faster, and I responded that I think they would get Claims (which are probably things like.. lookouts, fences, advanced notice of authorities, etc)

So what about the Claims which are just.. “Turf”?

In other words, complete this sentence: gang is to turf, as shadowrunner is to ______

EDIT: While fixers seemed to fit at first, shadowrunners don’t usually compete over these things. Rather, a good replacement would be whatever will represent abstracted support and assets for the group. Also it should make sense as a thing that makes it easier to increase their wealth, influence, and scale (Tier) and control over their current position (Hold).

10 thoughts on “Recent thoughts on Runners in the Dark: My group wanted to know what they could to Tier up faster, and I responded…”

  1. Makes sense to me. Runners don’t really have “real estate” per se, so abstracting to the level of “what does a change in Tier mean in SR”, resources like you list would be logical.

  2. My SR lore may be sorely out of date, but could you translate some turf into the ‘Net? Your team has special access to a server that grants some special something to hacking?

  3. Arne Jamtgaard Sounds like that works better for the non-Turf claims. I need help with Turf. Maybe there isn’t really an equivalent.. since Turf’s replacement should be something over which runners will compete, and which when acquired will help them grow in size and power (increase Tier). I don’t really recall my SR crews ever really competing with other crews over.. any thing, except in the immediate sense of “The corporation has a shadowrunner team of their own; geek ’em/avoid em!”

  4. Someone on FB said “shadows” which I actually really like

    Quite annoyingly (since I asked for something beSides rep or nuyen) many also said ‘rep’ and ‘nuyen’ – implying that there is no direct correlary. But I think I am getting somewhere at least

  5. Sponsors?

    When Mitsuhama supplies branded gear and mirrorshades to the team, you Tier up faster — like pro athletes who get corporate backing.

  6. Before my session today, I renamed the “turf” claims “corporate fixer” on the left side and “street fixer” on the right. As in gaining the preference and recommendation thereof, or like being favorited by them. The players were satisfied with this, although they haven’t yet done anything to seize them, their fiction already has them set up to grab one (lol, like when they aren’t at war with the Yaks).

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