I put together the first issue of my prop paper, the Doskvol Planchette, to hand out to the players at the top of…

I put together the first issue of my prop paper, the Doskvol Planchette, to hand out to the players at the top of…

I put together the first issue of my prop paper, the Doskvol Planchette, to hand out to the players at the top of each session. The idea was inspired by the old Shadowrun adventures that ended with a newspaper article that quietly mentioned your crew’s effect on the world. It also seemed like a good way to inspire scores for the Crew and tell some stories outside of their orbit to make the Shattered Isles come alive. I whipped it up in Google Slides if you want to use it for your own game.

4 thoughts on “I put together the first issue of my prop paper, the Doskvol Planchette, to hand out to the players at the top of…”

  1. wish i could give more +1s – I have the Ink Rakes badmouthing people in town via articles, sometimes meddling in the investigations with their spat (they are a negatively aligned faction to the crew too, so I just ended up here unintentionally), I just narrate them but this might be just that added element to bring them to life

  2. Stealing the crap out of this! I wanted to do something like this (I’ve been typing up rumors for my group between sessions)… Never thought of using Slides for it. Nicely done!

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