You may want to take a look at the 2011 Secret Santicore.

You may want to take a look at the 2011 Secret Santicore.

You may want to take a look at the 2011 Secret Santicore.

Check out pages 54-55. Mike Evans did a piece called “Bandits, Rapscallions, & Riff Raff.” Of the three columns, two are useful; the first column has a gang name and composition, the last column has a gang leader and description. (The middle has encounters and plot hooks, which don’t line up as well with Duskwall.)

Print this one up two sided and keep it handy for when you need a crew in a hurry.

Meanwhile, you might want to look around in Secret Santicore. It isn’t groceries, it’s a spice rack; you don’t devour it or use it whole, but something in there will add flavor to any game you run!

EDIT: OOOH! Also 80-81, “Fifty Bizarre & Eclectic Urban Locations” by Chris Weller.