Here is an example of what the three starting crews could look like set up with the enterprise system.

Here is an example of what the three starting crews could look like set up with the enterprise system.

Here is an example of what the three starting crews could look like set up with the enterprise system.

7 thoughts on “Here is an example of what the three starting crews could look like set up with the enterprise system.”

  1. Woah. There is a lot of work you’ve done Andrew!

    I’m not sure I’d personally go for this level of resource management, but if it works for you 🙂

  2. When I look at this, I don’t see resource management. I see story hooks. I can give this to a crew and they can decide what they want to hit. It’s not just giving up hold for the other group at that point. It’s taking on one or more of their enterprises and reducing them.

    Since everybody I’ve played with has taken on the Red Sashes, I made them weakest. Still, for all of them, you can see targets that would appeal to a crew.

    These are also Tier II groups. Players start at 0, maybe move up to 1. And you don’t have to map out all the NPC crews; people don’t know all their intimate business (unless they spy it out.)

    I mainly did this as an example, hoping to show that this is more about flavor than math. I guess I’m the only one who thinks so.

  3. Nathan Roberts If a game group wants to focus on heists instead of crew vs. crew shenanigans, that’s why I made the “gang” rules. So you can get some benefits from an organization, but don’t have to build a crew and maintain its interests.

    I think as written the game is intended to focus on building your crew at the expense of other crews.

  4. That’s very cool, Andrew Shields! I recommend adding your name or website to the document, so you retain credit should the file be passed around.

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