The Seventh Moon Character-Sheet updated on V.0.3 of the publicly available material.

The Seventh Moon Character-Sheet updated on V.0.3 of the publicly available material.

The Seventh Moon Character-Sheet updated on V.0.3 of the publicly available material. I am waiting for the definite version of 0.3 before I tinker on the others sheets. I personally prefer pure b/w sheets and a reading direction left to right, top to bottum. Yes I know, a bit conservativ, but still easier for me to read.

Please send feedback if there is somethink you dislike or think is a bad design choice, so I can improve. (The large space below the abilities remain there for the case I want to hack in more abilities)

16 thoughts on “The Seventh Moon Character-Sheet updated on V.0.3 of the publicly available material.”

  1. Intriguing. I really like your take on the harm box merged with more freeform Lasting conditions.

    On the bottom left, the heading should be “Bonus Dice” without the last “s”

    The header “Notes” next to “Special Abilities” looks like it refers to a column that’s not there anymore.

    I like the tickboxes next to the advancement triggers.

    You may not need so many Project lines. Usually players work on only 1 to a handful of projects at a time since they only get 1 free roll to progress one of them per downtime.

    Would it be worth adding “Foes” or “Rivals” to the Contacts list?

  2. Andrew Shields Yes me too. Less random design choices and more decisions toward a better readability and layout of the game elements. My first version was still to raw and this is something I could call a prefinal version. Do you think the rules area rightside are usefull and functional in this layout?

    Adam D I will post the others, if John agrees and will let you know.

    Adam Minnie Great input, I will work it into the mix now.

  3. I think the rules are good there. I would probably find more value in unpacking how stress works for the teamwork subsystem, and to make space I’d probably target the “Gather Information.”

    However, that may be more due to my play style, where I ask them what they want to know and give it to them unless it’s tightly held enough to require a roll or something.

  4. I think the planning area is very usefull for new players, to have some hooks to start getting into the narrative of teh heist. I will look into how I can set the stress rules.

  5. Personally I tend to gravitate towards focused character information on the sheet, and a one page handout or a double sided handout with general rules and references.

    In a game with playbooks or templates, that frees up the character sheet to be focused, but provides one document that everyone can use that unpacks a quick reference for rules.

    The more elbow space on the sheet, the less time spent hunting for what you need.

    That’s just a personal preference, of course.

  6. I do have the relevant pages printed out too, but my table gets so messy, nobody is consulting thoses and keep asking me. So I think you initial intput to add the team/stress rules are great. I upload the new advanced sheet in a moment. (Oh well, I dont have much problem with space on this sheet, Johns initial design had plenty of empty spaces for teh Notes, which I dont realy like on a char-sheet. He tends to design his sheets in a way that mostly all rules are on it and that with an experienced GM, new players wont need much more to start)

  7. I bet it is possible to get everything you need for downtime on one side of one page. I bet it is also possible to get everything you need for skill rolls (including descriptions of what skills do) and segments, effects and resistance, all on one page too. That would be a great two-sided sheet.

  8. I noticed in play last night that with v.3, players need far fewer reference sheets now. They used to need Action position, Effect, and Resistance tables, but now they need none of those. I can just choose a result from the position table (since GM chooses the cost anyway). Likewise, only the GM needs Engagement, Heat, Development, and Fortune.

    Downtime and the action descriptions still help players along with questions related to effect levels, plans, Gather Info.

  9. Yes i posted and updated and advanced sheet after this one. i am realy enjoying doing theses in my break. So I am intrigiue on how the final V3 draft will look like.

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