Working on a hack to bring the city of Sevrin to life (as well as a couple of playbooks I think would be cool).

Working on a hack to bring the city of Sevrin to life (as well as a couple of playbooks I think would be cool).

Working on a hack to bring the city of Sevrin to life (as well as a couple of playbooks I think would be cool). Love this game, hope it has a glorious future ahead of it.

5 thoughts on “Working on a hack to bring the city of Sevrin to life (as well as a couple of playbooks I think would be cool).”

  1. The one thing I need to know is if this interpretation supports solving a wide variety of problems with ghost-eating horse hooves to the face. This looks very cool. I’m curious what the white square and circle inside the city are.

  2. Gorinich Serpant The map is still unfinished, and this was was actually older than even the one I was working on when I posted it, the circle has recently been filled in with the local Lord Governor’s estate, and the square is a park/courtyard (I’ve actually moved a lot around in the city as time of this writing, the square included, and still working on figuring out what the landmarks might be).

    As to ghost-eating horse hooves: they’re one of the reasons I love this setting so much. I still want to actually be able to play the game JUST so I can roll as a Hound/Cutter with that as my pet. And they’re definitely going to be useful. As you can probably see: the city itself is the only thing with lightning barriers around it, everything else (the tribal lands) is technically in the deathlands.

  3. Matthew Vincett Similar minds think alike, I also have the idea of a Sevorosi horseman in my hypothetical character folder. With a vice of horse maintenance, by which I mean a character who mainly goes around complaining about how difficult it is to own a horse in Doskvol.

  4. Gorinich Serpant I think my Severosi character would be best as a Cutter, but I’d try to push to have the Hound’s pet at the cost of a Cutter-specific item. I’d then take the Ghost-form ability for it.

    Spirit-eating horse that don’t give af about your walls.

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