Check this out:

Check this out:

Check this out:

It’s an amalgam hack of Blade in the Dark (BitD)+ idea for running a modified version of the Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path.

For those playing the AP, no spoilers in this. All of the setting specific info is background info about Brevoy and the surrounding area that is straight from the setting book, and most of it is tweaked substantially by me, anyway.

For those primarily interested in the mechanics side of things, this presents seven new playbooks focused on military-type characters with 15+ completely new or modified special abilities, 20+ new special playbook items, a heavily-modified base item list, mounts, and introduces the Unit as new cohort type.

These playbooks could easily be ported to a completely unique setting, and were initially conceptualized with that in mind.

I would love and thoughts and/or criticisms. Thanks.

2 thoughts on “Check this out:”

  1. This looks neat, but utterly lacks any form of magic. The Stolen Lands were riddled with fey and layered with monsters. Do you have plans for these?

    Edit: re-read the description, and found this is suppose to a very low magic setting, but steampunk-ish setting. This drains somewhat from the Stolen Lands, because the (at least, initial) focus on fey in the orginal book.

    However, strange forests filled with monsters that just want to ‘play’ is a very cool environment. I would suggest hacking attune into something dealing with nature magic and/or fey magic. Twist the fey back closer to the original tales, where villagers sacrificed their newborns to powerful fey to keep the monsters from being angry. At least, how I see it.

  2. Thanks for the thoughts. Tracking on the Fey being a big part of the original AP. If one were to care about retaining that portion, I think your idea sounds really cool. I’m interested in stories about human monsters (or the lengths we will go to paint our “opponents” as monsters). In practice, relatively easy to replace a BBEG that has magic and cunning with human monsters that are just as cunning (and/or other relevant skills).

    As for other monsters, dealers choice. I prefer exaggerated versions of real world creatures or other monstrous inhabitants that might be real creatures and that live in a dangerous wilderness. Perhaps some are controlled by the local inhabitants

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