A NOCTURNE – update

A NOCTURNE – update

A NOCTURNE – update

Here’s a sample playbook, The Killer. If you’ve read previous versions of A Nocturne, you’ll recognise some stuff. Hopefully, though, it’s flavourful enough without the rules knowledge. Should give you an idea what I’m doing with the game for the next version (i.e. drastically overhauling it). I’ve tried not to move too far away from Blades’ tried and true playbook design, just to aid comprehension. Some AW-isms present, ‘cos I can’t help it these days.

For now, if you want a taste, A Nocturne’s (soon to be defunct) 0.6 playest doc can be found here: https://thysane.itch.io/a-nocturne-play-test


2 thoughts on “A NOCTURNE – update”

  1. John Harper Thanks man! I thought I was gonna drop this a while ago, but I just find myself chipping away at it again and again. Guess I just really love bleak space capitalism.

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