A NOCTURNE play-test v0.4

A NOCTURNE play-test v0.4

A NOCTURNE play-test v0.4

This is a bit of a left-field remix based around being a crew of interstellar space arseholes. What if you had a Death Star, a lack of empathy, and bills to pay? Go on. Those planets aren’t gonna hold themselves to ransom.

So much of a remix, in fact, it doesn’t even use the same core resolution system as Blades, instead using all the different die sizes because I’m a madman (this may change). It also expands and remixes the Magnitude rules into an unequal set of ranges that cover everything up to and including nations and planets, treats Stress and Trauma (here called Damage and Scars) REALLY differently, and a whole host of other things, including a lot of concepts drifted from AW and a few other places. Like I said, more a remix than a straight hack. Do not expect a Blades re-skin.

This is partly due to being developed initially outside direct Blades influence, before I ended up running/reading so much Blades over the past year that the two started drifting closer together in my head, with concepts cross-pollinating until I got this bizarre Frankenstein’s monster. I felt that it was close enough, however, that it might benefit from some input from the ol’ G+, so here ’tis.

Still very much deep inside the play-test mines, so read at your caution. Contents highly subject to change. Also, relativistic travel time tables and repeated uses of the term “parsec”. You have been warned.


One thought on “A NOCTURNE play-test v0.4”

  1. I’ve updated the PDF on the itch.io page with some layout changes on pages 2, 4, and 5, which might make the rules, especially those for Scale, Time, and Profit, a bit clearer. The big one here is putting together a master Scale table.

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