UPDATE 19 September: Version 1.2 uploaded.

UPDATE 19 September: Version 1.2 uploaded.

UPDATE 19 September: Version 1.2 uploaded. It fixes numerous typos, places where rule language was inconsistent, changed the sorcery systems to be more intuitive/fast, and added info about alchemy, rituals, and divination.

I want to share something I’ve been working on with the community: Karma in the Dark. The game is a hybrid between Blades and Shadowrun 1E, with some creative reworking of my own.

I’ve attached a link to my materials so far. I ended up changing some major systems, so I wanted the entire thing drafted before opening it up. I have a 0.1 version of the rulebook, set of pregen characters, teams, contacts (the new factions), and all of the major mechanics defined at this point–though I still need to do balancing/tweaking/simplifying (not to mention several more passes of copy editing).


I’d be interested to hear what people think. The rulebook is pretty big at this point, but the pregen characters and team sheets can give a flavor for the bigger game.

(Sorry if this is a double post, my Google account is doing wacky things this morning).


9 thoughts on “UPDATE 19 September: Version 1.2 uploaded.”

  1. Yeah, I thought for a long time about moving from all the same actions. There are 22 total, but each PC can only take 10. This was one way I wanted to encourage unique character creation and necessary teamwork.

  2. I also enjoy splitting of Heat into 6 different areas. Heat in arcane or entertainment spheres definitely is different from generating heat from law enforcement, so I like that mechanics support that.

  3. Thanks for creating such a solid system! (And making my Dishonored rpg dreams basically come true). Everything in this system fits together so tightly, it made it fun to analyze and tinker with.

  4. I originally intended to do a “quick thing”, but once I got so far it seemed to make sense to go ahead and finish it…also it gave me an excuse to dig up many of my 1E sourcebooks and wax nostalgic.

    I’ll be releasing the first update in a few days, since the typos are driving me crazy and I decided to add a simplified spellcasting system that doesn’t require consulting a chart and doing mental math. I’m afraid my 20 years of Shadowrun crunch slipped out a bit in the magic chapter.

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