This is a really early character sheet for a Blades Hack I’m working on called, “Household Renovation of Great and…

This is a really early character sheet for a Blades Hack I’m working on called, “Household Renovation of Great and…

This is a really early character sheet for a Blades Hack I’m working on called, “Household Renovation of Great and Terrible Power”. This playbook is The Freak, and they’re the fit for the weird playbook.

They’re not the playbook that’s certified to do the mundane tasks of renovating a home, but can be perfectly capable if you assign them tasks like installing roofing and siding; handling evictions by instructing squatters in the several synonyms of fear; and being a contact you can trust that takes care of pest control by, uhugh, devouring… the pests. Sure, there are probably all varieties of urban legends and horror stories in their wake. Maybe demolition crews found… off-white… eggs… like squished water balloons between the first and second floor, but, hey, maybe the story there is: someone had a deadline, or residential construction got hit hard by a recession, or someone was really desperate, and made a deal with the devil just to get by.

12 thoughts on “This is a really early character sheet for a Blades Hack I’m working on called, “Household Renovation of Great and…”

  1. THANK YOU FOR INCLUDING THE WORD “WEIRD” IN BOTH OF YOUR COMMENTS. I’M STAYING IN MY BRAND. The Freak’s definitely the most unnervingly weird playbook. Tons of influence from American Horror Story.

  2. John Harper Mark Griffin As we all know from Rhonda Byrne’s, “The Secret”, you can make something happen simply by Expecting it hard enough, as Desperate as you might be doing it.

  3. Also can I say that I am an idiot for not replacing ‘heritages’ with ‘Zodiac Signs’? That way, you could get XP for being like a sterotypical Libra-Scorpio cusp. GAAAASP and then! The Medium can hold it over your head FOREVER if you’re a nonbeliever because you’re doing it and getting XP for it? YES! I NEED IT> MAKE IT HAPPEN, ME. 

  4. You might consider “influence” instead. Then suggest that could be cultural background, Zodiac signs, class background, maybe body type, etc. A single influence that has a lot of shaping power on their behavior.

    So, one person could have an influence of “German” because they want that to flavor the personality and perspective of the character. Another could have “Libra” and a third could have “Aristocratic,” a fourth could have “the fat guy.”

  5. Thanks Andrew Shields, that’s very smart, I’d do that immediately if one of my Design Goals wasn’t to cross-contaminate this game with woo-woo, New Age bullshit. 😛

  6. You could always make a list of inspirations like, which tarot card they use as an identifier, Zodiac sign, aura color, etc. to assure that everyone may be in the New Age pool, but they’d still not have a meshing compatible worldview. =)

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