Tried searching the web for the Blades SRD-like file for a Hack and couldn’t find anything about it.

Tried searching the web for the Blades SRD-like file for a Hack and couldn’t find anything about it.

Tried searching the web for the Blades SRD-like file for a Hack and couldn’t find anything about it. Have I missed anything or is there just nothing known about it as of yet?

7 thoughts on “Tried searching the web for the Blades SRD-like file for a Hack and couldn’t find anything about it.”

  1. Sean Nittner Do you know what all SRD materials will be available? Will there be any genericized InDesign templates akin to the Hacker/Tinkerer materials?

  2. Hi Jason Eley, sure thing. The SRD content (text) will be most of the rules text minus the setting materials.

    John will also make a generic character and crew template for folks (anyone, not just the Hacker/Tinker backers) to use as well.

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